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MCC Announcements

The MCC consists of two vibrant congregations with many shared ministries.

An email is sent every Thursday with the latest on what's happening in and around the MCC.

To submit an announcement, please click below.

The deadline for submitting is Wednesday at noon.

Submit an Announcement

Worship This Sunday


Daylight Saving Time

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night so that you can arrive at the right time on Sunday morning!


In Advent

Architect of Time. Quilter of the Cosmos. Word made flesh. Ancient of Days. Womb that is Life. Breath-that-is-Spirit. Partly prompted by a new liturgy (see below), we begin the First Sunday in Lent expanding our images and sense of who God is for us. Besides the new liturgy, worship is also shaped by the Creation service, and will include a Thanksgiving for Baptism, so online participants might like to have a splash of water available.
Livestream link
Reading sheet


Sighs Too Deep for Words

On Sunday, we will begin introducing a new liturgy in Advent that seeks expansive imagery around gender and race. This week we’ll do some spoken parts and a new acclamation (hear it here…though we won’t use the A* word!) The liturgy was inspired by ordination anniversaries: the 50th of women, the 40th of women of color, the 10th LGBTQIA+ leaders, as well as motivation after the murder of George Floyd. It was also a response to the ELCA Social Statement Faith, Sexism, and Justice: A Call to Action


In Community of Hope

The UCC defines itself as non-creedal, which is something that aligns with Hope's identity as well. But a question emerges, if faith is not about confession of belief, what is faith? In the season of Lent we embark on a new sermon series to explore the many ways we can express our faith.
We had a technical glitch with the AV this weekend-- we are back up and running. In case you missed the service but would still like to read Pastor Jen's sermon on issues related to criminal justice in Dane County, you can find it here.


Education Hour - 9am 


 Adult Education 

For the second in a series of land stewardship talks as part of MCC adult education Sunday at 9:00, Si Widstrand will give a talk about the history of the city parks on Madison's west side. Widstrand was part of the team that planned and developed Wexford Park, Stricker's Pond, Woodland Hills, Owen, Walnut Grove, Sauk Creek Greenway and Parks. There will be time for Q and A. 

Upcoming sessions: updated

  • New Lutheran campus pastor Preston Fields and some students will share about campus ministry on March 16 (followed by Preston preaching in Advent)

  • Kris Wilkie and her sister Martha Lowe will share about a recent trip to Palestine to deliver relief supplies on March 23

  • March 30, Ellen Ermer will lead a discussion on Fierce Compassion


 Faith Formation 

This week "Give us this day our daily bread" means making prayer pretzels with Dan Streit and helping Hildy and our MCC quilters team create a quilt that might travel around the world to provide warmth and comfort to others. All children and youth welcome to join for these hands-on experiences on 3/9 from 9-10am.

 Children, Youth, and Family News 

Fat Tuesday Thanks

Thanks to everyone who made our Fat Tuesday Pancake Party a success: pancake flippers, table setters, cup stackers, pancake artists and eaters, and cleaner-ups! It was a great celebration and time together, preparing for the special season of Lent.

Lent Invite from MCC Children and Youth

Our enthusiastic faith formation kids have prepared a couple of new ways for us to practice our faith together during the season of Lent:

  • Noisy Offering: Each Sunday during Lent, bring in your noisy change to put in their cups and help us support an organization voted on by MCC children and youth.  Come this Sunday to find out the winner!

  • Purple Prayer Request Box: Our children have created a beautiful prayer request box and they invite you to "share a prayer" to be included in our Prayers of the People during worship. Anyone, any age is welcome to participate anytime.


Lenten Midweek Soup

Wednesdays from March 12 to April 9, along with midday and evening events for Lent, we will be offering simple soup at lunch and supper. We’re looking for volunteers to bring/prepare soup, and also have slots for bread and dessert. Set up and clean up help will also be welcome.

You can sign up for slots here. We will be able to clarify numbers later, but suggest about ¾-1 gallon of soup for lunch and 2-2½ gallons for supper. The MCC can reimburse for soup expenses (and leftovers used the following week).


Are you Planning on Reading the Book(s)?

Please let Nick know if you’re planning on joining the book discussion, as well as if you picked up a copy of one of the books or still might need one.


Midday Book Study: Vesper Time - The Spiritual Practice of Growing Older

This book generated a lot of interest in Adult Ed last fall. The book study will offer an opportunity for a deeper discussion of how the lessons can be applied to our lives as we get older. Lynn Breedlove and Pastor Jen will facilitate the study. The 5 discussions will take place on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 1:00 at the MCC.

Books are available for $15. RSVP to Kaisa (  so that we can make sure to have enough books. If you already have the book, please let her know.


Evening Schedule

Lenten evenings begin at 6:00 with a new setting of evening prayer called Bless This Night, which gives our Lenten theme of “At the beginning, with us now.” Listen at

At about 6:45, we’ll share soup. From 7:15 to 8:00, we’ll focus on the new book “Decolonizing Palestine: The Land, The People, The Bible” by Mitri Raheb, the former pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. Books are available for $18. We’ll also study a UCC General Synod resolution.


Announcements of the Community 


Thanks for Supporting Triangle Community Ministries Monday Meal 

This past Monday, 20+ MCC members funded, prepared and served a Fat Tuesday themed dinner as part of the Triangle Ministries Monday Meal Program. Thanks to these folks and the financial support of the MCC we were able to provide a hearty, delicious and fun meal plus leftovers for at least one meal to 50+ individuals served by the ministry.  Those serving the meal also spent time dining, socializing and chatting with the guests in attendance. 
More about the Triangle Community Ministry (which MCC also supports with benevolence funds) can be found here .
We are scheduled to serve dinner three more times in 2025:  June 9, September 15 and November 3. Please reach out to Lori DeMeuse in person or at

 Moving Meditation/Qi Gong - Thursdays 

How about a Lenten practice to increase centering, resilience  and present moment awareness???  Sara Hulsether is leading a moving meditation class on  Thursday evenings from 7-8  in the Covenant Room. Come join us!

 Donate to Plants to the MCC 

The Madison Christian Community is looking to enhance our native rain gardens along Old Sauk Road and the Spirit Woods. The purpose of the rain garden is to help filter water runoff along Old Sauk Road.  The purpose of the native plantings in the Spirit Woods is to improve its diversity and reduce invasives. We invite you to help pay for the 200 plants. It’s easy, just visit, select “Madison Christian Community” from the drop down menue and select the number of plants you’d like to donate. Plants cost $3/each and must be ordered in multiples of 4.  The deadline to donate to our project is March 18th . Thanks for helping to make our garden a reality!



Well, we "covered" nakedness, so we'll wonder next why they were sacrificing all those animals. You’re welcome to join tonight 6:00-7:15, and a wrap-up session on March 20 at the same time.

 Judith Bible Study 

Judith Bible study will meet on Tuesday, March 11 at 9:30 a.m. in the Covenant Room.  We will discuss the second session on Faithfulness:  Faith in the Depths, starting on p. 28 in the Jan/Feb issue of Gather magazine.  It should be an interesting and timely lesson.  All are welcome.  If you don’t have the magazine, you can access the study online at  If you have questions, contact Joyce Anderson


 Shalom Carpeting 

Last week, the old stained carpeting came out and new carpet squares went in to the Shalom Room. This $18,500 project was part of our approved 2025 MCC budget. Thank you for your offerings! See the note below on the band concert for a glimpse of how our hospitality is received.


 New Library Space 

As Lake Edge UCC was closing and selling their building, they offered us some library shelves. For years, we’ve had stacks of books waiting for shelf space. You can browse these resources and see the new space in the room between Pastor Jen and Anthony’s office. (The door says “youth room.”) Also look for books and resources near the coat racks upstairs and outside the conference room. If you’d like to borrow something, just jot your name and the title on the clipboard nearby.


 Advent Benevolence Allocations 

Do you have thoughts about how over $36,000 of offerings given to Advent get distributed as benevolences? The benevolence allocation subcommittee will have one single meeting sometime in the next month to assess where our funds extended into the community and world last year, and any changes we’d like to make. Let Nick or President Rebecca Weise know if you’d like to participate.


Ways to Support Immigrants 

In this troubling time, do you hear Jesus' call to stand with those siblings who are most vulnerable and are looking for ways to do that? The MCC Immigrant Support Team suggests:
1. Community Immigration Law Center (CILC) assists low-income immigrants by providing information, support, and referrals to immigration attorneys. CILC offers a free immigration clinic and free or low-cost legal representation to eligible detained non-citizens in removal proceedings. Legal representation makes a huge, huge difference for immigrants facing legal proceedings. Check out their website for how to donate.
2. Driving. The Dane Sanctuary Coalition is still in need of drivers to take God's beloved in the immigrant community to ICE check-ins and court hearings in Milwaukee, Waukegan, and Chicago. As a volunteer driver you are never "assigned" a drive, but can freely choose a ride that works for you. Check out this very short video. If this peaks your interest, talk to Corkey Custer or Larry Henning.

3. Are you still looking for a Lenten devotion? Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services) shares this one


 Spring Choir Dates 

Everyone with a heart for singing is invited to give choir a try! Sunday afternoon, we’ll sing to Howard. We’re also getting ready for:
     Palm Sunday, April 13
     Good Friday, April 18
     Sunday, May 18?? tentative
     Sunday, June 8

Click HERE to indicate your availability. Looking forward to making music with you soon!
Contact Jen Streit for more information.


 Struggling These Days? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, sad through these weeks? Remember that your pastors are available to talk with you, hear how you’re doing—or even just to hold you in particular prayers. We continue to hope your faith and the life of the MCC are supports for you, as well.


Harvest of Hope Article 

Dorothea Torstenson shared this article about the Harvest of Hope, with some nice coverage of the MCC also, and John Mason’s photos.


 MCC Youth in the Community 

Support our youth by connecting to the events of their lives—concerts, games, and more. Show up, or ask how it went! (Feel free to share events you know about!).

 Save the Date: Salad Supper 

The MCC Women's Salad Supper will be held the evening of Tues., April 29th. The Salad Supper will be held indoors this year, rather than the outdoor tent.


 Holy Land Trip 

Finally with some hopeful news coming out about a ceasefire, perhaps you’re ready to think more about travel to the Holy Land this autumn with Pastor Nick. We’ll explore biblical sites, and also learn more of what has fueled the decades-long feud. October 22-November 3, from $4460, including flights, accommodations, and most meals. Click here for a full brochure with more details and chance to pre-register (no downpayment needed).


New Horizons Band Concert  

LisaAnn Trembath writes: As members of the New Horizon community band entered the MCC last Thursday for a rehearsal, I overheard the following remarks: "Wow, what a beautiful space!" "I love the rainbows as you walk into the building, that makes me feel so good." "It's so awesome that they have gender neutral bathrooms."  I couldn't have been more proud of our welcoming and beautiful building, and the message it sends to visitors!  

You can hear the New Horizons Community Band on Thursday, March 20th, at 7pm at the MCC! This free concert is family friendly and casual. We will serve snacks afterwards to allow the band members and audience to mingle. The theme for this concert is "Sail Away" and you will recognize some familiar pirate and sailing-themed tunes. Please join us for some fun music!




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