World Labyrinth Day - May 4
16th annual World Labyrinth Day: Saturday, May 4, 2024
Every year on the first Saturday in May at 1pm (local time), thousands of people around the world participate in World Labyrinth Day as a moving meditation for world peace and shared appreciation of the labyrinth experience.
Walk as One at 1: This year we dedicate our walk to peace in the Middle East. Come at 12:45pm for a short introduction to the labyrinth. We will set our collective intention toward peace, healing, and reconciliation, then walk the labyrinth together. Join in this powerful practice and help to create a rolling wave of peaceful energy passing from one time zone to the next around the globe.
This walk will take place outside on our 7-circuit Santa Rosa labyrinth. Dress accordingly! If the weather is bad, we'll move the event to the indoor labyrinth.
Labyrinth Ministry
Labyrinths are a walking meditation to enable quiet, prayerful reflection. They are found in many religious traditions around the world. The continuous path leads to the center and back out. The labyrinth’s turns and resting places can symbolize your spiritual journey, inviting you to experience the presence of the Spirit in your life.
The Madison Christian Community has two labyrinths available to walk. The outdoor Santa Rosa 7-circuit labyrinth is always available, weather permitting. It is located behind the church (upper parking lot).
The second labyrinth is a carpeted labyrinth indoors. It is an 11-circuit labyrinth, patterned after the 800-year old design at Chartres Cathedral in France. This indoor labyrinth is available during seasonal walks, Equinox and Solstice, as well as other special events.
Using the Labyrinth in Your Community
Two canvas labyrinths are available for use for special events, services, or retreats. The larger, 11-circuit, Chartres style labyrinth requires a minimum space of 40' x 40' without pillars. A second, a 7-circuit Santa Rosa labyrinth, is available for smaller spaces.
Labyrinth Rental
$40 for half day, $60 for whole day;
$100 for 2 days; $150 for 3 days
$200 for 1 week
Facilitators Fees
$40 for delivery, set up, take down of the 11-circuit labyrinth and $30 for the 7-circuit Santa Rosa labyrinth.
$25 for facilitator presentation /hosting a walk event.
Mileage fee based on federal mileage rate is charge in addition for delivery outside of the Madison area.