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Community of Hope

Community of Hope is an Open and Affirming community of faith.
We celebrate all races, abilities, creeds, socioeconomic statuses,
religious upbringings, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
We come together
As people on a journey,
Respectful of our diversity
Supportive of our callings and
committed to learning
what it means to be the body of Christ
in the world today.
What We Believe
Community of Hope is a covenantal community, knit together by God’s promise of unending love. We are a group of diverse beliefs, but we share one commitment to having good relationships with God, with each other, and with Creation. We share a passion for the teachings of Jesus, and we seek to walk in his footsteps of love, forgiveness, and justice.
We share in the life of Christ by practicing baptism and communion. At the communion table, all are welcome, no one is excluded from receiving the grace that Christ offers.

In 1957, four denominations rooted in the Protestant Reformation joined together to form the United Church of Christ. Its member churches live in a loving covenant with one another and with God as revealed in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. This covenant preserves the autonomy of the local congregation. The unity that we seek requires neither an uncritical acceptance of any point of view nor a rigid formulation of doctrine. We believe in responsible freedom—we embrace individual expressions of faith, and the individual questioning and seeking of God’s presence in our lives. We believe that we are called to minister to others and seek to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, God with us.
To learn more about the United Church of Christ follow these links:
Our Denomination:
Some UCC Firsts:
The Wisconsin Conference -
The Southwest Association -
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