What Are Befrienders?
Befrienders are lay ministers. They provide compassionate listening and supportive presence for others in the MCC community, particularly in times of grief, loneliness and isolation, or transitional struggles. They are short-term or long-term companions who create a relationship of friendship.
A Befriender will be paired with someone else in the congregation as the need arises, and the nature of the care will be mutually determined by the Befriender and the Befriended.
Befrienders are not ordained pastors, therapists, or in-home caregivers. However, they can provide a listening ear and comforting prayer to those whom they befriend.
Situations in which a Befriender may be appreciated include, but are not limited to:
before or after surgery
after a significant health event or accident
in times of grief after the loss of a loved one
in times of caring for a loved one with dementia
during general times of loneliness or isolation
during significant life transitions
Why Befrienders at MCC?
The MCC has a rich history of caring for people in the congregation. We already have ministries that provide meals and rides after big events like surgeries. The Befrienders program is another iteration of how MCC cares for its members. It serves as a program of visitation and companionship for those needing spiritual care and emotional comfort. Befrienders do not take the place of the MCC pastors, but provide additional and sustained care when a pastor’s visits may otherwise be periodic or occasional. It’s one more way we can ensure that everyone in our congregation feels seen, included and loved.
Click here to connect with the Lay Ministry Steering Team.
Click here if you think you might be interested in being part of the Befrienders ministry.
Click here if you would like to request a Befriender for yourself or a loved one.