Advent offers a beautiful yet fairly casual environment, worshiping with a variety of traditional and contemporary liturgies, enriched by creative and vibrant music.
Hope worship is always unique - vibrant or contemplative - shaped by a passion for social justice and wonderful music.
Our Ecumenical Partnership
Living Faithfully and Lovingly with God, Neighbor, and Creation
For more than 55 years, the Madison Christian Community has been a unique community rooted in a groundbreaking partnership between two very different congregations. Most of our ministries are shared, including education for all ages, service in the wider community, care of our land and our environmental stewardship efforts. We also worship together regularly throughout the year. You will encounter a vibrant community of faith that values relationships and community engagement and that actively lives out its faith every day of the week. Explore our website to learn more about our two individual congregations and about our partnership efforts and visit us on Sunday morning.

MCC Land Acknowledgment